Bright WAter Foundation

Safe water for a brighter future

785 million people lack basic access to clean and safe drinking water. We’re on a mission to change that.

“Water is the basis of life. Safe water is essential for a healthy life.”

Dr. Rick Blodgett

“Self-Reliance, caring for ourselves and our families to meet life’s needs, is essential for a productive life. Safe water, using point-of-use disinfection in the home, is an action that fortifies health and enables self-reliance in other aspects of our lives. “

Ike Ferguson



The Veronica bucket is a mechanism for safe drinking water storage. Originating in Ghana, it consists of a bucket, with secure lid and a tap fixed at the bottom. The Veronica bucket was developed by Veronica Bekoe.

BWF’s Safe Water Educators help families learn to purify their drinking water with easy-to-use Oasis Water Purification Tablets. One 67mg Oasis tablet kills bacteria and viruses in 20-liters of water. Simply drop one in, stir, and wait 30 minutes.


Bright Water Foundation thanks corporate sponsor, Hydrachem, maker of Oasis tablets, whose generous partnership has supplied tablets and veronica buckets to help thousands of families begin their in-home water treatment. It also participates in the cost of Safe Water Educator hats, shirts, backpacks, and the printing of educational materials.


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Brightwater Foundation

Veronica’s Vision: Watering Education in Akrofufu – Help Us Equip 15 Schools!

Donation Total: $5.00

Veronica Buckets for the upcoming schools we will be working with in Akrofufu sub-district (15 Schools). $50 will purchase the 40-liter Veronica Bucket and stand, and a year’s supply of water purification tablets for one school. (15 X$50 = 750.00)

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Learn More About Bright Water

We protect disadvantaged people from water-borne disease.

We train local individuals as Safe Water Educators (SWE), who become experts in source and household water testing and point-of-use purification. They visit individuals and families in their homes to test their water and show them that their water is contaminated. SWE’s show how chlorine tablets purify the water and how proper storage allows them to use the water safely. This is a philosophical and behavioral change that requires continued visits, in-home surveys, additional testing, coordination with village leaders, and frequent reminders. We train and manage the SWE’s through this entire process to make sure that these principles are sustainable long term.

• The World Health Organization reports that over 2 billion people worldwide do not have access to safe drinking water.

• In Africa, about 80% of illnesses are linked to poor water and sanitation.

• 60% of the Ghanaian population do not have access to safely managed drinking water services.

• Women and children collect water from community boreholes (wells) and other sources not knowing it is often contaminated with Dysentery, Typhoid, or Cholera by the time it reaches home.

• These preventable diseases are the second leading cause of death in children under five years old.

• Donations fund training materials for Safe Water Educators, water testing kits, Chlorine tablets to teach proper point-of-use purification, school safe water stations and hygiene stations, safe water storage containers, public service announcements, visual aids for group presentations, household survey assessments, and more. • At the beginning of each project, we typically send a small group of volunteers from the US to facilitate the SWE training. These volunteers pay their own way and donate their time.

• A typical project area will protect about 1,000 families (about 5,000 people) and costs about $14,000 over the course of the three-year project. How effective is the BWF methodology?

• 97% of the households that follow the program show no risk of water-borne disease in their household water supplies 1 year after the program starts.

• A 90-95% reduction in both student school and adult workdays lost due to waterborne disease is reported after one year.

• Over 70% of households that go through the program continue to treat their water 1 year later. We are constantly looking for ways to increase this behavioral change.

• Donations fund training materials for Safe Water Educators(SWE), water testing kits, chlorine tablets to teach proper point-of-use purification, school safe water and hygiene stations, safe water storage containers, public service announcements, visual aids for group presentations, household survey assessments, and more.

• At the beginning of each project, we typically send a small group of volunteers from the U.S. to facilitate the SWE training. These volunteers pay their own way and donate their time.

• A typical project area will protect about 1,000 families (about 5,000 people) and costs about $14,000 over the course of the three-year project. How effective is the BWF methodology?

• 97% of the households that follow the program show no risk of water-borne disease in their household water supplies (1 ) year after the program starts.

• A 90-95% reduction in both student school and adult workdays lost due to waterborne disease is reported after one year.

• Over 70% of households that go through the program continue to treat their water (1) year later. We are constantly looking for ways to increase this behavioral change.

Teaching individuals how to purify water in their own home is an extremely powerful tool for long term health and self reliance. Point-of-use purification with chlorine offers an immediate solution that is affordable, effective and sustainable. In-home surveys conducted by the SWE’s verify the effectiveness of the initiative and give valuable feedback to individual families, BWF Headquarters, local health, education and opinion leaders.


Typhoid scourged my aunt about 5 years ago.  I was really excited and very happy that you came here and teach us how to treat our water!  So that illness should not come into our community or my family again.

Isaac Attamah

Krobo Tribal Leader

The community has really been blessed and enlightened about safety water principles and how to keep their water safe. Typhoid that was rampant in the community now we have low cases. Bright Water is really changing the community having good health. This work is really love. We are very much happy with having this program.

Dennis Agyekum

Ghana Project Manager

Those that are sponsoring this NGO, we are grateful to you.  You are touching many lives. You don’t feel it but those of us who are here in Ghana, particularly in my community, see how many lives are touched. You are changing whole lives. People are saving money because they don’t visit clinic and hospitals often.  Education is also booming. The children can go to school anytime they have to, because the sickness has reduced.  Attendance and punctuality in school has increased.

Seth Opong

Board Director of Ghana BWF


Ghana Education  Ministry

Ghana Health Ministry



World Joy

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