Four kids, arms around each other, smiling.

Safe Water for a Bright Future!

At Bright Water Foundation, we help families eliminate waterborne disease by simple at-home water disinfection.

In areas where water becomes easily contaminated through unsanitary practices—even when collected from a clean water source such as a protected borehole—families must disinfect their water before they drink it or continue to suffer the terrible burden of waterborne disease.

Bright Water’s safe water efforts in Ghana help households become SAFE WATER FAMILIES by focusing on 5 safe water habits.

  1. Have a suitable DEDICATED WATER CONTAINER used only for drinking and for rinsing and preparing uncooked food.
  2. DISINFECT WATER with chlorine tablets every time water is added to the container.
  3. TAKE WATER SAFELY FROM THE CONTAINER for drinking, using methods that do not reintroduce contamination.
  4. DISINFECT THE CONTAINER WEEKLY and guard it from mishandling.
  5. Always USE SAFE WATER SENSE when away from home.

In Atiwa West District, Ghana, trained Safe Water Educators like Mercy and Philip visit every household in their village, sharing the vital news that waterborne disease is easily preventable at home.

Woman with child on back teaching a woman with a child.
Man in green shirt teaching two women.
Woman with child strapped to back sanitizes drinking water.
Woman bending down to drop small tablet into yellow water container.
Hand dropping white tablet into yellow water container.

Jemima and Francine, like hundreds of mothers in the district, safely disinfect their family’s drinking water using chlorine tablets. Data in these communities now shows diarrhea, dysentery, and typhoid in decline compared to surrounding communities.

In Bright Water School Health Clubs, kids learn and practice safe water habits that keep them healthy, progressing in school, and having fun as they look to a bright future. Below, health club officers disinfect their class’s drinking water station.

Large group of school kids in a field smiling up at camera.
School classroom with students seated at desks.
Teenage girl and boy with blue drinking water container.

To help bring the gift of safe drinking water to schools and families in Ghana, please go to our FaceBook page and make a donation.

Thank you!