Field Visits and Practice Teaching

We scheduled an 8:30 am Ekorso Durbar where we received a beautiful blessing from a Chief. The blessing was realized when we went to schools in Ekoroso, Akwadum and Akwaduuso.

We had such fun observing the SWEs practice their teaching skills and following up on school health clubs at each school. The excitement peaked when the team accompanied SWEs and volunteers into the community to put the classroom training into practice.

The team enjoyed very much being with the villagers and observing the teaching. Everyone was extremely welcoming and kind, and the SWEs demonstrated that they really know how to put their skills to work!

The field testing did uncover a few glitches in using the cellphone app. Some in-field re-training helped to resolve the problems on the spot.

Looking forward to more “fun” tomorrow! What a life-changing experience for us all.




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