Ekorso Project Training Expedition Summary

It is a joy returning to Ghana to witness the diligence and progress of Bright Water Foundation’s (BWF) trained Safe Water Educators (SWEs). Diligent and hardworking staff are making a difference in the lives of their communities. Safe water principles are becoming safe water habits. Families are treating their water. 




In May, BWF expanded the Safe Water Initiative to three more villages: Ekorso, Akwadum, and Akwaduuso. Together they represent a population of about 3,300 residents.

Our Ghana project manager recruited capable and hard working individuals. They have quickly become water safety experts in their home villages. 

Some SWEs are school teachers and local CHPS clinic nurses. Others are respected leaders in their community. All understand the value of safe water for the health and progress of their communities.

These committed field workers learn to Teach their neighbors, Test the water in the community and at the household level, and help villages Treat their own water at the point-of-use, in their individual homes.

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